Virtual Personality & Ability Assessment (09.00 - 12.30)

Personality & Ability

Course Details

How to select the most suitable tests and questionnaires to assess for a particular role
How to administer and score assessments in a range of scenarios
How to interpret and provide feedback on ability test results and motivation and personality questionnaire reports
How to integrate results from a variety of assessment methods to support decision-making.
Suitable for:

HR Managers and professionals who require full access to the Talent Assessment Training product range. This type of training is suitable for organisations who wish to interpret reports and results themselves to allow self-sufficiency in the entire assessment process. Once an organisation has an employee trained at this level, other staff can undertake a lower (and more cost-effective) level of training to administer assessments and have the fully trained user interpret the results.

  • Start Date: Oct 1, 2024

  • End Date: Oct 4, 2024

  • Location: Online, UK

  • Price: GBP 3552

  • Type: Personality & Ability

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