Wes is an executive search organization based in Sweden with a special focus on diversity and inclusion, helping their clients recruit the best talent and serving as a partner in leadership and strategic consulting. They work with companies in the private, public, and non-profit sectors, across a wide range of industries. Both Wes and their customers agree that modern leadership, with greater leadership diversity—especially in management teams and boards, is better for business, for profitability, and sustainability.

Wes partnered with SHL to make accurate talent decisions that increase their customer’s leadership diversity, impact, and retention.

With SHL’s solutions, Wes could objectively assess candidates’ work preferences and competencies quickly, and reliably match these to a scientifically chosen profile, based on the customers’ hiring or development requirements. The wide range of different assessments available meant the recruitment process could be tailored to the specific roles, levels, and industries with ease.

Wes could then provide clients with a comprehensive report on each candidate’s fit, potential, and development gaps. This extra value gave the organizations a deeper understanding of their candidates and also insights that could be used to develop and onboard new hires better.

With Wes and SHL’s solutions, customers now can make informed decisions and consistently drive better leadership diversity and business results.

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With our platform of pre-configured talent acquisition and talent management solutions, maximize the potential of your company’s greatest asset—your people.

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