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Building A Transformed Workplace Amid the Great Resignation

The Great Resignation has forever changed how we approach work. Read more to learn how to start transforming your workplace today.

Transformation has been all the rage this last season. Pre-Covid, we collectively started to realize the serious changes that were required just to keep up, stay relevant, and maintain profitability in the market. The changes also include tech disruptions and innovation as well as upskilling and reskilling our workforce. Even then, we began to feel the pains of an impending labor shortage.

Now, we are two years into a global pandemic that has ravaged our supply chain, decimated our talent pool, and forced rapid reskilling/ upskilling. And we are entering the era of the Great Resignation, where transformation is no longer a fun thought leadership exercise, but it has become essential to survival.

This is easier said than done because the rules are changing. Much of the “truths” we have always known have been flipped upside down. Now, not only do our digital strategies have to change, but so do our talent strategies as organizations are struggling to retain employees, as well as attract new ones. People are also much more likely to prioritize their lives and families over their employment, which has shifted our economy tremendously—and for this, I am grateful.

The transformation has ushered in the age of an empathetic workforce. The rules are shifting in favor of people who value and prioritize people over profits. So many leaders are excited about this new world but are not quite sure where to start.

The first step towards building a transformed workplace

In my opinion, the best place to start is with a simple “thank you”. This act of humility recognizes the gift of time, talent, and effort that people put into their work. It also acknowledges that businesses are not successful only because of their leaders at the top. In fact, they would not get very far without the workforce employed to execute the strategy.

Another tactic to employ is to listen. I am not just talking about listening for something specific. I mean listen—in general. There is almost always a major disconnect between the top and the bottom of an organization’s hierarchy. This is natural because, for each group, the work and the point of view are completely different. However, they both have a lot to learn from each other. Learning to listen and effectively communicate will help employees feel valued and connected to the greater mission of the business.

Transformation is upon us, whether we were ready or not. There is a ton of work that can be implemented to handle this well, and all of it can be incredibly overwhelming. But I encourage you—leader—to start with a couple of simple steps… gratitude and an open ear.

Learn more about how SHL can help transform your leadership team to know how to handle the Great Resignation.

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Kristina Iniguez

Kristina Iniguez is the former Head of Brand, PR, and External Communication at SHL. She has a Master’s degree in Social Work and ten years of experience leading and developing teams across public, private, and non-profit organizations. She is a creative visionary and strategist who utilizes careful listening and open collaboration to engage audiences in mission-centric organizations. She utilizes relationship-based techniques, like human-centered design, to build communication platforms that reach, educate, and engage key stakeholders. She is passionate about talent development because she believes that people are any organization's greatest asset. The more an organization holistically invests in its employees—the more they will succeed!

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