The Results Are In! Top 3 Reasons for Using SHL’s Partner Program
We surveyed our partners around the world to find out why they chose SHL’s Partner Program for their talent needs
As the Global Head of SHL’s Partner Program, I have the privilege of leading a talented team of innovative people who deliver the SHL Partner Network for over 1000 partners in more than 25 countries.
The partner program is designed for HR consultancy services who are contracted through businesses to deliver talent solutions that span the entire employee lifecycle. They cover many segments including Agency and Executive Recruitment companies, Recruitment Process Outsourcing operations, Aggregators and HR consultancies. SHL collaborates with our partner network to deliver our products and services, which drive relevant tangible results.
My team and I have a vision to help our clients recruit the best talent and develop them more effectively to increase productivity and organizational performance. We maintain close relationships with our Partners and align on shared goals that help them achieve and sustain a competitive advantage.
Our Partners have the option to give us their candid feedback on how we are helping them achieve their mission.
One of the many ways we have continued to build the partner network is through a yearly survey, so our Partners have the option to give us their candid feedback on how we are helping them achieve their mission. We learn so much from the feedback and are grateful for the opportunity to build on our decade’s long success. A few themes stuck out to my team and I as we reviewed the survey data.
Here are three reasons why our Partners choose SHL for their business:
#1—Our Partners Trust Us
This was a resounding theme from the survey. Across the globe, our partners said that they trusted us and knew that we worked hard to help make their businesses successful. We are honored to know that we have a strong relationship with our partners and end clients, and they feel confident in our services and products.
#2—Candidate Experience Is Everything
The need for immersive and engaging experiences is growing significantly as the market becomes more and more competitive for talent. Recruiting teams must promote open opportunities to candidates, and managers must intentionally develop their employees to keep them motivated and to be more productive. Any tool used to attract, retain and develop an employee must be worth their time and engaging, but it should also be grounded in science so the company can gain true value from it.
Over the last two years, SHL has dedicated our time and resources to focus on building meaningful and great experiences into our product suite, while also maintaining the scientific rigor as the foundation to everything we do. This can be seen in our personality questionnaire – Reimagined OPQ, and our award-winning cognitive ability test – SHL Verify Interactive. We are continuing to innovate on the experience of our existing product lines, while also growing our breadth of offerings.
#3—We Prioritize Their Needs without Complications
Our Partners find value in the relationships we have worked hard to build and are able to access our products and services without complication. When a need arises, we have the ability to quickly mobilize and provide solutions that help our Partners feel supported. I am particularly proud of my team for developing this kind of program consistently.
This is one of the best times of year! When we can review feedback from our Partners and learn how we can continue to add value and support them. I will leave you with one final comment from one of our Partners:
"Throughout our nearly 20 years in business, SHL have been a constant. The quality, rigor, and depth of their tools are unmatched in the market. They continue to support us in bringing integrated talent and leadership development solutions to our clients."
Managing Consultant, LTA People
To learn more about SHL’s Partner Program, click here!