Healthcare Benefits Knowledge


This test will cover Healthcare Terminology, Eligibility Criteria & Guidelines, Products & Benefit Usage, Premium, Billing Adjustments & Discrepancies. __ __ This test is best suited to be administered to: Eligibility Consultants, Benefit Consultants, Billing/Premium Consultants, HR Generalists, HR Personnel, and Benefit Administrators. __ __ This test will identify the test takers understanding of frequently used healthcare terminology, their knowledge of established procedures and guidelines pertaining to eligibility, adds, changes, terminations. This test, will further challenge the test takers ability to identify healthcare products, the usage of benefits, and will also identify their level and ability to resolve billing, premium adjustments and discrepancies. It is suggested that a calculator be provided to the test taker while administering this test. __ __ Tests for Medical Records Billing as well as Human Resources Basics are also available.

Job Function


