Four Decades of Calculated Insights

We started this industry of people insights 45+ years ago and continue to lead the market with powerhouse product launches, ground-breaking science, and business transformation.

Asian man in a suit sitting on steps with a brief case and phone in hand looking up to the sky


SHL begins reinventing human capital management.

women meeting computer SH001


Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) launches.

eye level view of bearded man in smart clothes smiling at laptop in an office


SHL Verify debuts computer adaptive testing.

woman sign language in front of laptop


TalentCentral and Talent Analytics revolutionize HR.

man at computer SH007


CEB acquires SHL.

people walking SH001


Leader Edge propels executive training.

woman in an office punching the air with onlookers celebrating


SHL relaunches as a standalone company.

front view of man in causal clothes sitting on sofa smiling and holding mobile phone with laptop in view


New, engaging candidate-first experiences revolutionize applications.

split screen of four people on video call on laptop


SHL launches our virtual solution suite.

Explore SHL’s Wide Range of Solutions

With our platform of pre-configured talent acquisition and talent management solutions, maximize the potential of your company’s greatest asset—your people.

See Our Solutions